About Us

Hope for Relief Organisation Vision, Mission Statement, Values and Guiding Principles


Empowered Communities where all vulnerable members are able to sustain their lives

Mission Statement

To create empowered communities by provision of Health, Educational and social needs to rural immunities through health interventions in HIV prevention, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Water Sanitation and Hygiene and ending early child marriages and prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) against Women and Girls.

Core Values

Transparency and Accountability

We are transparent on our programmes and accountable for the funds we solicit for the benefit of our societies


We create programmes which addresses the actual needs of our societies


We execute our programmes without discrimination of any person based on gender, race, sex, identity etc.

Sustainability and ownership

We ensure that there is continuity in our programmes through engaging the community in our programming


We ensure that there is participation from all the people we serve

Guiding Principles

Hope for Relief involves the people we serve in our programmes

Hope for Relief developed systems and strategies that ensure controls in finances and protect the image of the organisation

Hope for Relief abides by the rules and stipulations in our constitution and fulfil the mission of the organisation.

Hope for Relief developed inclusive programmes for the benefit of all people without discrimination.

Hope for Relief developed programmes which emanate from the real needs of people we serve and ensure their continued involvement at all levels.

Physical address:

Along Chitipa Airfield (Chiwanja), Opposite Tulipoka Executive Lodge, Chitipa District.

Post Address:

Hope for Relief Organisation, P.O. Box 126 Mzuzu.