Ongoing Projects

- Hope for Relief Organisation has partnered with HIVOS to implement a project called “For Us All, HIV Prevention Project” in Rumphi and Chitipa Districts at the prisons. The grant is under southern Africa Hub that aims towards an open society inspired by humanist values such as freedom, dignity, responsibility and curiosity. To improve access of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights services for 900 male and 100 female young prisoners in Malawi.
Partner Website:

- Ubwelu Bwithu (Our Light Project) funded by Tilitonse Foundation. Our Light This Project is being implemented in 2 Health Centres in Chitipa District namely, Ifumbo and Kameme. The goal of the project is to ensure that Ifumbo and Kameme rural Health Centre are responsive in delivery and management of drugs and creating a platform for engagement between service providers and communities as a way of improving accountability, inclusiveness and responsiveness through drugs monitoring at these Health facilities. It aims at building capacity to Health Centre Management Committees and Service providers to be more responsive and transparent in line with drugs management and delivery of the facility.
Partner Website:

- “Growing Community Response in ending cases of violence against women and girls”. This project is supported by UN women in Chitipa District. The project strives to increase effectiveness of legislation, policies and National Action Plans and Accountability Systems to prevent and end violence against women and girls. Some of the Strategies to be accomplished in this project are policy sensitization on Marriage, Divorce and Family Relations Act and engagement with law enforcers on issues of marriage age, legal type of marriage, property sharing and support for children.
Partner Website:
Phased out projects

- “Start Free HIV Prevention project” funded ViiV Health Care through Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF): The goal of the project was to reduce mother to child transmission of HIV in Traditional Authority Kameme, Chitipa district in the northern region of Malawi by 60% through provision of inclusive and cohesive community based PMTCT driven approaches. The project has been able to directly benefit a total of 1877 targeted people constituting Women aged 25+ years, Young Women aged 20-24, men, Children aged less than 6 months, and Children aged between 6 months and 2 years. Indirectly the project has managed to reach out to 3121 people in the categories of Women, Young Women, men and Children.
Partner Website:

- “Growing community response in ending Girl-Child Marriages” supported by Mundo Cooperate, the project led to reduction of early marriages among girls under the age of 16 from 560 per year in 2019 to 165 by December 2020. At the same time the By-laws have been formulated and signed in 3 communities of Kameme in Chitipa District. 1200 people have been reached so far with the information on the formulated Community By-laws.
Partner Website:

- Keeping Girls Safe in Schools Project
The project involved a number of initiatives such as constructing girls’ sanitary bathrooms, distributing of Reusable sanitary pads for free to rural poor school girls, Holding engagement meetings between parents, mother groups, teachers and Village committees (Village Development Committees/Area Development Committees). We are expanding this project to more schools in Rumphi and Chitipa Districts. Over 2,000 Vulnerable Poor Rural girls aged 12-18 have benefited.
Partner website: